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4th of July cake design by I Am Baker

Break Your Baker's Block: Patriotic Cakes

Whitney M.

So, you've been wanting to enter our Patriotic Cake contest, but you just can't think of something creative to showcase on Cake Theater. Maybe you've got loads of experience making and sculpting imaginative cakes that look nothing like cakes.... or maybe you, like me, are absurdly proud when your "Happy Birthday" frosting comes out legible. Either way, procrastinate no more! I'm here to break your baker's block and get you in that kitchen this weekend. You deserve some cake.

For the ambitious

  • Carve the Statue of Liberty, or maybe just her head. You can cover it in milk chocolate or green frosting, but please don't start with chocolate and let it sit long enough to turn green by itself. There's such a thing as too much authenticity.
  • Make a basic chocolate cake with an eagles' nest on top. You can make the nest out of chow mein noodles and melted chocolate chips, and the eagles out of fondant. You could even buy little toy eagles, or use leftover Easter egg candy.
  • Bake a cake with a flag on the inside

Want to try something simpler?

Focus on color and simple 2-D graphics, possibly even text:

  • On a sheet cake, write out the Declaration of Independence, or your favorite amendment to the Constitution. Add miniature kids' toys if applicable; guns for the 2nd, chocolate coins for the 16th, Voter Barbie for the 19th.
  • Get out your frosting tips and draw fireworks all over the cake. Anyone can do this. Use bright frosting on a dark surface, preferably chocolate.
  • Make a red velvet cake, layer it with thick white frosting, and cover the whole thing with a royal blue buttercream; or, cover it with the same white frosting, and get one of those nifty cans of spray food coloring. Bonus points if you add mini star-shaped cookies.

Got ideas of your own yet? Good! Go try them out, then send us your fun results! Also, check out our Patriotic Cake contest winner while you're at it.

Cake Theater is the best place to find original cake design and decorating ideas. Sign up and start showcasing your cakes now. It's free!
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Ok, I am inspired. I might as well try a patriotic cake since I have to make one anyway for Hubby's Birthday on the 3rd. If I win the gift card maybe he will actually get a gift this year after all.
13 years ago