Andy Gaskin
United States
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LOST - Desmond at the Hatch

Baked February 11, 2008

LOST - Desmond at the Hatch cake
This cake shows our favorite LOST character Desmond Hume (in paper form) immediately after the Swan Hatch implosion. See you in another cake, brotha!

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This cake captures the raw emotion from this scene at the Swan. It depicts Desmond proverbially "rising from the ashes" of the implosion which in theory should have killed him. In a later episode, Hurley comes across this naked Desmond, who emerges out of the bushes. The fact that Desmond's clothes were missing demonstrated that this was, in fact, the same Desmond as before and not an apparition or the Man in Black. Hurley gives him a tie-dyed shirt from his backpack. He explains to Hurley about the Fail Safe key, and Hurley asks him if the turning of that key was what "made the blender noise" and "the sky turn purple". Desmond replies that he missed it. In all, this is a superior cake which meticulously depicts one of the most moving scenes in all of Season 3.
13 years ago