Sandra Denneler
United States

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Sock Monkey Cake

Baked April 23, 2011

Sock Monkey Cake
This was a sock monkey cake that I made for a 75th birthday party. The arms, legs and head are made out of Rice Krispy Treats and the body is made out of strawberry cake. The trickiest part was getting the fondant to look like the texture of a real sock monkey. I rolled white chocolate shavings into chocolate fondant and it looked perfect!

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Your white chocolate shavings in chocolate fondant looks spot on! Awesome job!
13 years ago
Wow! I love this cake. It reminds me of the sock monkeys my grandmother made. Looks soft and cuddly. And sounds yummy!
13 years ago
This looks so much like a sock monkey it actually made me laugh out loud.
13 years ago
I LOVE this cake!!! Thank you for sharing how you got the textured look. I thought it was the real sock monkey!
12 years ago